Booking childcare
Tip: Use our free Monster Club to always get the best price.
The following details are still missing
Booking Information
It's totally simple.
If you are not yet sure about the date of all days, then do the following:
We will add the day(s) to your booking.
The price and package will then be automatically adjusted by us.
Please do NOT make a new booking in this case.
You can add as many days and hours as you like.
So you are completely flexible with your vacation planning.
Please note:
If you want to book a day at too short notice, we may not have any places available on that day.
We recommend booking all days if possible. We can rebook for you a booked day if necessary.
You book now a day with 5 hours as a "per hour package".
If you are on vacation in Kalymnos, have planned your times and book another day with 5 hours, you will automatically receive the price for the "10 hours package" from us.
If you book additional days and have 25 hours or more, you will automatically receive the "25 hour package" price.
Happy booking 😀
If you are not yet sure about the date of all days, then do the following:
- Book only the day(s) you know with the corresponding package.
- If you can say when you want to book the next day(s), just let us know (at Monster Café or via our contact).
We will add the day(s) to your booking.
The price and package will then be automatically adjusted by us.
Please do NOT make a new booking in this case.
You can add as many days and hours as you like.
So you are completely flexible with your vacation planning.
Please note:
If you want to book a day at too short notice, we may not have any places available on that day.
We recommend booking all days if possible. We can rebook for you a booked day if necessary.
You book now a day with 5 hours as a "per hour package".
If you are on vacation in Kalymnos, have planned your times and book another day with 5 hours, you will automatically receive the price for the "10 hours package" from us.
If you book additional days and have 25 hours or more, you will automatically receive the "25 hour package" price.
Happy booking 😀